
StopCovid is a healthcare analytics that tracks the movement of COVID-19 infected individuals. Our StopCovid Mobile App helps helps users to identify the COVID-19 infected persons who in close proximity and trigger an alarm. It helps users to maintain social distancing. It exploits traffic data and detects and recognizes cars that violate regulations in terms of routing constraints set by the government. The visual analytics of StopCovid is used by the government organizations to visualize heatmap and understand COVID infected clusters in realtime.
How can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

“Intelligencia provides outstanding services. Our experts have excellent track records in understanding flaws in data, improving quality, building data intelligence, building AI agents, and designing and developing visual dashboards.”

Isabelle Maurin
Vice President, Intelligencia

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